Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy BirthdayPayton!

Payton Marie is the first dog I ever had on my own. I got her when I was in college, living in a sorority house (also known as HELL) and she kept me sane! I rescued her from the shelter where she had been left by her abusive owner.

When I met dh, he loved her and her obsessive compulsive behaviors as much as I do! Now she is a complete daddy's girl!

Because she had such a rough start, she is super super timid. We had to REALLY coax her to get into the stream but she was brave! This was almost 3 years ago!

She loves to fetch and constantly has something in her mouth (sometimes it's a sock)! She is sooo athletic. She never stops!

And here she is...daddy's little baby.

I can't believe she is FOUR! She is becoming a woman! I love all her little speckles!
OK, I'm done now. I just wanted to share my little boo boo's story! I love you Payton Marie! (and I apologize for the formatting...blogger continues to get the best of me!)


Karen said...

Happy Birthday Payton! I had one of my dog's birthday pics on my blog yesterday! lol She was only a year old!

Tonya said...

Happy birthday BOO BOO!!!

~Holly~ said...

Happy Birthday to your doggie!!