Monday, March 31, 2008

My Boys

I can't imagine my life without these two! They are best buddies and it's so adorable!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Love of Our Lives!

He's finally here and he's precious!! He was born on March 25 at 5:49pm; he was 9lbs 13oz and 21 inches long...oh and he's PERFECT!!

Our first family portrait taken in the Operating Room by the Anesthesiologist

We love you Ryder!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

ay yi yi!

My appointment today was...interesting. We had an ultrasound and the baby is happy and healthy and cute as a button. Oh...and he's ALREADY 9 pounds 3 ounces! EEK! I'm not dilated at all still so the doc wants me to give it another week. If I haven't had him yet she's inducing me on the evening of the 24th and I'll have the little man on the 25th! I have an appointment on the 20th to see if I've made any progress at all, but the doc thinks maybe I'm not dilating because the baby is too big to fit through my pelvis. He hasn't dropped down into position and one reason may be that his head it too big to fit! Please keep us in your prayers for a healthy delivery! We've got a big boy here!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

No news...

My appointment on the 6th confirmed that Ryder is not ready to budge yet. I'm still not dilated at all and he hasn't dropped. The doc estimates his weight at 7.5 pounds right now and hopes to confirm that he is only 8 pounds next Thursday at my ultrasound. I was 37.5 weeks and I measured 39. My blood pressure and overall health is great and so is his! That's all I can ask for!

And this was taken yesterday, March 8, 2008.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In the words of my doctor...

"Well Jamie, you can kiss a 6 lb. baby goodbye because you've got a big boy in there!"

I saw the doctor on Thursday and she was really happy with how everything is coming along! I was 36.5 weeks along and I measured 38 so the baby is growing at a rapid pace! I hadn't gained any weight since my last appointment two weeks ago so my growth has slowed down, while his has taken off!

Dr. Cave said she thinks I'll go all the way to my due date at this point, but she scheduled an ultrasound for March 13th just to get some actual measurements and make sure the baby isn't TOO humongous! I wasn't dilated at all and my cervix was 20% thinned. I go back this thursday so we'll see if there's any more progress!

Now I'm far enough along that if I do go into labor, our baby will be considered full term. He's all developed and safe to come out...he's just laying around in there fattening up I suppose!