My appointment on the 6th confirmed that Ryder is not ready to budge yet. I'm still not dilated at all and he hasn't dropped. The doc estimates his weight at 7.5 pounds right now and hopes to confirm that he is only 8 pounds next Thursday at my ultrasound. I was 37.5 weeks and I measured 39. My blood pressure and overall health is great and so is his! That's all I can ask for!
And this was taken yesterday, March 8, 2008.

Holy Kamoly, you are all baby! Glad everything is going well.
you're really lookin great, James -I'm glad to hear you're feeling good too! :)
OH HOLY MOTHER OF MERCY! lookit the belleeeeee! omg i'm so jealous - and i just read he's a bigg'un. hang in there sistah - he'll be here before you know it - you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Wow James! You look amazing! You're all baby, arntcha??!! Glad to hear everything is good.
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