Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Just Checkin' In

Whew, what a busy couple of weeks it's been! Working outside the home definitely changes things around here. I feel like I never have a moment's rest, but I think a lot of it has to do with me starting the job during the holidays. This year was the first year that I felt pulled in so many different directions that it really wasn't all that enjoyable. I feel like I spent a little time with a lot of people and not enough time with anyone! I didn't get to spend time with Kira and Mila at our new house, which I was looking forward to doing. I didn't get to take Aly shopping. And, I had wanted Zak and Aly to stay the night with Matt and me one night and there just wasn't enough time to do it all.

Now, everyone is gone and it's back to reality. I had to work yesterday and I go back tomorrow so having today off was awesome. I really needed it just to recharge a little bit. I got the call today that I got the part time job at the mall I had applied for, woot. So, now I'll be working two jobs, pretty much nonstop until the baby gets here. Hopefully I don't exhaust myself. I plan on working about 60 hours a week total which isn't too awful. People do it all the time!

The baby seems to be doing very well. He is sooo active now and his "little kicks" are now giant movements that can be seen through my clothes. He is still pretty quiet during the day and most active at night. I go to the doctor next week for another checkup to make sure things are progressing smoothly. At my last appt, Dr. Cave said everything looked perfect!

I am getting super excited to meet this little guy. I can't wait to hold him. We really need to get the nursery ready for him, but until we have my shower we really don't know what to buy vs. what we will receive. Thank goodness for baby showers!

It snowed here today for the first time this winter and the actual snowfall was beautiful. Not much stayed on the ground but the big falling flakes were super pretty.

I have lots of pics from the holidays I need to upload, so stay tuned!


monica.coffman said...

Glad you're doing well Jamie! I can totally relate to that working out of the house having a milion things to do feeling. I'm sure now that the holidays are over you'll get in a more normal routine. Just take it easy. Happy New Year!

~Holly~ said...

Glad everything is going well for you Jamie!!

I miss ya!!

Julianna said...

don't stress yourself too much with the 2 jobs - take care of that baby & yourself!! :hug: