Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm alive!

Checking in from Lynnville! We are alive! We didn't drown in the flood of '08 as pictured below. Actually the basement all drained out within about 15-20 minutes. Thank goodness!

In other news, Matt started a new job this week, a job that he applied for when we still lived in Arizona in OCTOBER! Can you believe it?! After months of waiting and FOUR interviews, he got the job and started this week. Woot Woot! My job at the bank is going well and although I attempted to work a part time job at the mall, I had to resign because it was just too hard to do both. So, yay for both being employed!

We've been working hard on getting the nursery ready! We painted this past week and bought curtains. Now, we are just waiting for the border to arrive (we ordered it) so we can put it up. I can't wait to show you all! Mom and dad surprised us with a stroller/car seat travel system this week, and Matt's parents surprised us by telling us they want to buy our bassinet! Mom and dad are buying a crib for the baby as soon as we decide on one, so things are really coming together! My shower is February 9th and I can't WAIT to see everyone!!!

My belly is getting bigger and bigger and as soon as I approve of a picture I'll post it! :)


~Holly~ said...

((hugs)) Miss you Jamie!

Tonya said...
