I wanted to record this stuff before I forgot it all!
Saturday, May 16th - Ryder learned to drink out of a straw! We were at McDonald's in Newburgh and he was polishing off a happy meal. (Yes, my ONE year old eats a happy meal!!) I had ordered him a juice box and decided to give it a try. I squeezed it slightly to get the juice flowing and he just started sucking! Now, life is so much easier!
He says SO much now -
"light on, light off" is his favorite game. He loves to flip the switch and watch the lights go on and off. If you don't hear him (or acknowledge him) he starts yelling LIGHT ON LIGHT OFF! He also yells this in public when there is no possible way for you to actually turn the lights on and off.
He says "Down" whether he wants up OR down...it's so adorable!
He frequently says "more" and the way he says it is the cutest thing I've ever heard. It's more like "mbowe" and the look on his face is so serious.
He struggles with his "m" so I'm "ba-ba", not mama, but every now and then he gets the "m" in there and I'm "mamba" or "bama" or some other ridiculously cute combo.
Anytime a phone rings or alerts for any reason, he puts his hand up to his ear and says "hewwo"
His new favorite game is boxing with uncle Johnny. He puts both fists up and starts saying "buh, buh" like punching noises.
At night (around 7:30) we say "Ryder, are you ready for night night?" He gets so excited and runs down the hallway to his bedroom door. If we take too long, he starts knocking. Matt picks him up and I kiss him goodnight and then Matt puts him to bed. We don't hear another peep until around 7am! We are so blessed!
I'm sure there are many more but I just had to get these blogged! We love you Rydee Roo! You are growing up so fast and learning so much! We are so proud of you!