Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sooo whaddya think?

Here I am today 34 weeks along with my baby girl! And the second pic (with the braids) I was 35 weeks with my baby boy, and 15 pounds heavier, believe it or not! What do you think? Do the bellies look the same? One higher? One smaller? I can't tell AT ALL!! They look like totally different shapes to me!!

Remember, he came out at 9lbs 13 oz!


Anonymous said...

wow! I think they pretty much look the same! That means she's a nine pounder?????????

Beffy said...

you are the most beautiful preggo person ever Jamie!!!! :biglove: seriously!!!! u look awesome!!! i can totally see a difference in the belly shape :yes: I think she is more 'out front' if you kwim -- but i think she is prolly gonna be pretty close to Ryder as far as his size when he was born! at least it looks that way to me

Beffy said...

oh! oh! & I can also totally tell that you are thinner this time around too! :)

Anonymous said...

James, you look amazing!!!

MattandJamie said...

Upon further review...if you take a close look at your upper arm you'll be able to see you are definitely thinner this time. Beautiful as always.

Anonymous said...

Oh!!! I am so happy for you! You look great! preggos are always beautiful!The bellies look the same except now your belly looks more pointy, however she can just be poking her booty out more than he did.... Love Mandy

Conibaer said...

Oh, you look just beautiful! I can see you are thinner now too!
All the best to you!!!