...that your baby boy....
likes to dive off the bed head first...EEK!
I had my first big mommy scare last weekend and have just come to the point where I can actually blog about it. I was changing Ryder on the bed when he flipped to his stomach, and crawled at a million miles an hour, right off the edge, onto his head, and began screaming.
I was ok until he spit up and started shivering. I called the nurse on call and she said to take him to the ER...this is when the panic started. Of course, once they checked him out they said he was fine, but I was still a mess. It was the longest, scariest one hour of my life.
But, thank God he is safe and sound...and adorable. :)

I hate scares like that.
So glad all is well--- and he is just ADORABLE!
good gravy. you think he learned is lesson or he'll continue to dive onto his head?
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