Things you love:
*Playing ball with mommy and daddy. You are getting so good and throwing the ball!
*Mommy singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and doing the motions. Anytime you hear music, you start moving your hands like the itsy bitsy and I have to sing it for you!
*Playing peek-a-boo. When we say "Peep-eye!" you laugh a deep belly giggle that just makes me melt!
*Your puppies, Louie, Payton and Maddie.
*Your PawPaw is your best buddy, besides mommy and daddy of course!
*Your big boy fruits and veggies. You are eating a level 2 jar of fruit everyday and a level 2 jar of veggies. You also have lots of about 4 tablespoons of cereal in the morning and at night, along with your formula. You are only taking about 7 ounces at a time now.
*Sneaking to get to the Christmas tree!
*Pulling up to the couch and walking along the edge seeing what you can get into! You are pulling up on everything now! (Including the big screen no!)
*You love to bang on things. TV trays, the couch, the hope chest, the front door, and the LAPTOP! (no no!)...something about it just cracks you up!
*Being rocked to sleep...lately you won't nap without mommy holding you. But you don't want to be cradled like a baby. You like to be facing out, sitting up, leaning back against me. Once you are in dreamland I can lay you in your crib.
*You still love your paci. When you don't have it, I say, "Where's your paci-waci (wassy) bub?" And you actually find it!!
*Playing with cell phones...your daddy is so proud!
*Looking outside, and being outside. You LOVE to stand at Nana and Pawpaw's door and look outside. You also like to lick the door while you're there, ha!
*You are in a size FOUR diaper now! And you have four teeth in, and at least one more working its way through! Yikes!
Things you are not too fond of:
*Your swing ( I think because you know you will fall asleep!)
*Daddy leaving for work without you
*Getting clean try to flip and crawl away everytime!
*Getting your boogies picked...tee hee. ( I can't just leave 'em in there!)
Here you are, such a sweet boy!

eeek, he's so big! and growing out of Auntie Boogs' swing?!? Well, time for another one then. mwaaahahahaha
What a big boy. He's so stinkin cute!
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