Tuesday, May 20, 2008

8 weeks old!

At 8 weeks you,

*weigh 13.5 pounds
*wear size 3 months
*take 5.5 ounces during the day and 7-8 at night
*sleep from 11:30pm-6am
*love the fan and talk to it all the time!
*love to stare at the red curtains in the living room
*like to watch tv with mommy and daddy, especially basketball
*know when your diaper is wet and tell us immediately!
*need your paci to fall asleep but spit it out once you're in dreamland
*like mommy to rub your forehead
*like to take your naps snuggled into the corner of the couch with a pillow up against you
*turn your face into your pillow or blankie to fall asleep
*have to make big burps after you eat or you get a bellyache
*started crying "meeeehhhh" instead of "waaaaaaah"
*love to swing in your swing after your morning bottle
*laugh at daddy's jokes and like when he squeezes your cheeks

Wow, such a big boy. He is so much more alert now and he stays awake for longer periods too. He laughs all the time and that little dimple just shines! Here's his 8 week old photo shoot in his crib with his lovies.

We love you Ryder man!


Anonymous said...

Awwww what a wonderful post of memories!!!! PIctures are great! So sweet!!!!

Tonya said...

omhfc, he's HUGE. i can't believe he's laughing and talking to the fan. and he loves auntie boogs' swing!!
sing the ryderpig song to him today!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I am gonna have to say the cuteness IS through the roof! LOL


Cricket said...

oh my golly he is precious!!


Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

He is so darn adorable!

Cathy said...

Isn't he such a sweet darling baby boy!!!!! He's as cute as his momMY!!!

-leafa mcbirdie said...

oh my word... the cuteness factor is off the charts with this guy (don't ya always just wanna squeeze him?)! I can't believe how much he's changed already -and it's such a GREAT idea to keep track of all those changes each month -you'll be SO glad to have these things written down later on.

thanks for sharing pics! :)

.jessica jo. said...

awwwwwwwww, sooo adorable!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what adorable pictures. Also I love the updstes on what the little man is able to do. How wonderful to keep everyone informed. Love ya, Trina:)

SuzyQ said...

He is so stinkin' cute! I love that list!

Conibaer said...

Oh! Those pics are cute! And since I didn´t tell you before: Congrats!!! Your baby is adorable! - Coni (SF)

Tonya said...

helloooooo, he's nine weeks now. musthaveupdate.net