Friday, April 18, 2008

Major Events!

Two major events happened today at our house. Our little man is getting so big! His umbilical cord FINALLY fell off which means he can take big boy baths!

The other event occurred while I was trying to change him, when the cord fell off, he spit up a little and was just having a rough time. He was screaming his little head off, and it happened. A single precious tear emerged from his eye and slid down his chubby little cheek. It broke my heart! Usually when he "cries" it's just a little screaming, but this time there was an actual tear!

He's growing up too fast. Sigh.


daizie said...

awww! {{hugs}} i remember K's first tear too *sniff*

Tonya said...

good gravy. that took forever. yay for baths!!!