Monday, November 26, 2007

Life in Lynnville

Here is a picture of our living room! We have finally finished hanging pictures and ceiling fans and getting things ready for the holidays! I'll try to take a better picture during the day but this was mainly so you could see our tree!

Our tree

The puppies love it here. They love the sun coming in the door and they love watching out the front door for animals. When Maddy sees an animal, she starts to crying to get outside!

We went for a nice walk yesterday morning in a chilly 40 degrees! It was spitting rain too, but I loved it. It's nice to have weather that changes every now and then! I've always loved rain though so that's no surprise. Hopefully soon it will turn to snow!!
Tonya, Mike, Zak, Aly, Kevin, Yasmeen, Mila, Kira, Faith, Kevin and were all missed VERY much this Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble, and we hope you had a blessed day!


Tracy said...

I love the tree! Absolutely beautiful!!! I am so happy that everyone is liking the new state and new home. Come visit more, we miss you at the Freak!

Anonymous said...

Jamie - your tree and living room look so GREAT! I'm so glad you're settled in before the snow comes and that you're back with your family.

Tonya said...

i can't wait to see in person!!!! i love the living room and the tree

Julianna said...

it looks great!

Lynn said...

It's gorgeous!

Hey... I didn't know you moved to MEville! ;) (Get it? Lynnville? My name's Lynn?)

I'm a dork. I know it.

Love the tree AND the room!