He will be 8 months old this week. I can't believe it! He crawls SUPER fast now, pulls up to the couch (or anything that won't tip over) and scoots along to where he wants to go.

He is so curious and wants to touch and taste everything. He has developed one heck of a temper...I mean personality. :) He says ba-ba, bye bye, and *maybe* bite...but it sounds a lot like bye bye and ba-ba.
He sleeps from 8pm til about 7am...thank the Lord!!!
He still loves when I sing to him (especially "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie) and he falls right to sleep everytime in less than a couple minutes!
Jamie, he is so adorable...I wish you guys lived closer so we could actually see him in person. He reminds me of Jonah(you just want to kiss those smiling chubby cheeks).
hee hee, i remember that bath while i was there ... definitely not having fun. he's such a big boy! tell him auntie boogs says "ryder-pig, ryder-pig, growing up and he's so big!"
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