Saturday, November 29, 2008


Happy Turkey Day from the Cartwrights! We had a wonderful holiday. Ryder tried turkey and ate mashed potatoes. Here are some pics from the weekend!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

He is so fun now!

Ryder absolutely LOVES bathtime now! He splashes and plays with his toys until we let all the water out. If we take him out while there's still water, he gets MAD!

He will be 8 months old this week. I can't believe it! He crawls SUPER fast now, pulls up to the couch (or anything that won't tip over) and scoots along to where he wants to go.

He is so curious and wants to touch and taste everything. He has developed one heck of a temper...I mean personality. :) He says ba-ba, bye bye, and *maybe* bite...but it sounds a lot like bye bye and ba-ba.
He sleeps from 8pm til about 7am...thank the Lord!!!
He still loves when I sing to him (especially "Hello" by Lionel Ritchie) and he falls right to sleep everytime in less than a couple minutes!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Ryder loves to play in his room with his mommy and daddy. He goes right to the mirror and talks to himself. "Ba, ba, ba" We tell him he sees Baby Ryder.

Ryder and his daddy decided to put together Rydee's wagon.
Ryder just HAD to help every step of the way!
The wagon is tiny, intended for Ryder to pull his toys in, but Matt couldn't resist putting the big boy in for a ride!
I think Matt enjoyed the wagon ride just as much as Rydee Roo!
So handsome!

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Day at Home with Mommy

Today I came home from school early because Ryder hasn't been feeling very well. This is a glimpse into our day...these pictures are from about a 15 minute time span...

Crawling around from toy to toy...

The MINUTE he sees the flash, he zooms over to say hi!

And then, he zooms off again to play with his toys...

He pulls up now! (mostly in an attempt to escape the living room and get to the doggies) When the book in his hand squeaked, the dogs got fiesty, so he decided to try to get through the ottoman...

Trying to push the ottoman out of the way so he can get to the puppies...look how cute his bum and little toes are!

Can I help you, woman?

When he gets REALLY sleepy, he starts standing on his head...bahahahaha....cracks me up!

At this point I put him in his swing and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
He's growing up so FAST! Before long he will be toddling around! Eek!