*are SO alert and really focus on people and moving objects
*love to stand and look around
*don't have to wear mittens anymore!
*like napping on the couch or in your swing
*have to have your paci to go to nighty night
*love to watch the ceiling fan and the television
*have started talking a LOT!
*learned to blow bubbles with daddy and now you do it all the time!
*take 6 ounces every 3-4 hours
*are the size of a six month old!
*put your blanky on your nose to go to sleep
*still love your big boy bed and you sleep in it all night!
*have started noticing the doggies more and like to watch them
*love when mommy sings Lionel Richie to you :) tee hee
At his 10 week checkup he weighed 13lbs 8oz and was 26 inches long!
Here you are so big and handsome next to your lovies!

Here is the link to his 8 week photoshoot...
He's soooo adorable!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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