Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Matt's sister's boys with Ryder, Damian on the left and Austin on the right. They weren't shy at all at the hospital! Neither one could wait to hold him!

Matt's brother's little girl, Yamila. She couldn't wait to hold "Baby Ryder" either.

We currently have 3 baby cousins on the way! My sister Pam is due in August. Matt's sister Faith is due in October, and Matt's brother and his wife are due in November! Babies everywhere!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Please add us to your prayer list!

Ay yi yi...the time is getting closer and closer for me to return to work. The bad news is no daycare has an opening right now. The waiting lists we are on do not have openings until August and we aren't even first on those lists! We don't know if this is God's way of forcing me to be a stay at home mommy or if the right childcare just hasn't come along. Either way we are happy to follow God's plan, we just aren't sure what it is! Please pray for us that we will feel a tug at our hearts leading us to make the right decision. If you know of a childcare option, please let us know that too. You can email us at

In other news, Rydee Roo slept in his big boy crib last night! He woke up to eat at 1am and 5:30am so overall I think it was a success!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Woooot, we can't believe it! For the past two nights, Ryder has slept through the night (kind of)! He has went to sleep around 11pm/midnite and slept until 5:30/6am! The "kind of" is because at around 3:30am he wakes up and wants his paci, but then he goes right back to sleep. We can handle that! I can't believe he is going that long without eating!

And here are a couple of pictures just for fun!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is this normal?

Holding his bottle at 3 weeks! (not that he does this often, but it was cute and I was able to actually get a picture!)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just hangin' around the house

Sleepytime with Daddy

Wakey time!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Major Events!

Two major events happened today at our house. Our little man is getting so big! His umbilical cord FINALLY fell off which means he can take big boy baths!

The other event occurred while I was trying to change him, when the cord fell off, he spit up a little and was just having a rough time. He was screaming his little head off, and it happened. A single precious tear emerged from his eye and slid down his chubby little cheek. It broke my heart! Usually when he "cries" it's just a little screaming, but this time there was an actual tear!

He's growing up too fast. Sigh.


Wowzers...I just happened to be awake at 4:30am feeding the baby when I heard a rumble and the house began to shake! The news says it was a 5.2 and let me tell you, it felt like it! It lasted for over 30 seconds which is pretty long to watch the glasses in the wine rack shake! It even woke Matt up which tells you how strong it was. I was pretty shaken up even after the quake was over I was still shakin' in my pajamas. We just had an aftershock that registered a 4.5, yeikes. What a way to start the day! Thankfully everyone is safe!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Of course while Tonya was here, she just HAD to spoil the kid with all kinds of gadgets. She got him his swing, which he loves, and so do I! It allows me to get things done around the house without worrying about him!

And she got him this play mat. He is mesmerized by the colorful pictures but he isn't quite ready for the music and motion yet.

Sometimes...he just gets worn out and needs a break.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Auntie Boogs was here!

Tonya came last week to meet Ryder and visit (and help me!). She fell in love at first site!

We went for a walk at the park and we also walked up town. Ryder loves his Auntie Boogs and the fun songs she sings to him!

She just left yesterday and we miss her already!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Little Man

Snuggle time with daddy

Close up of the cuteness!

Just hanging out...he looks so grown up here!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ryder's 2 week Checkup!

He's perfect! Or at least that's what the doctor tells us! He is off the charts for weight and height and could actually stand to GAIN some weight based on his height. He is 22 1/2 inches long now and weighs 10lbs 1oz!

We are so happy and so blessed that he is such a healthy, happy baby.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub...

Rydee Roo in the tub!

We gave Ryder his first bath at home on 3/30/08 and he did such a great job! He was a little fussy during parts but when daddy rinsed under his arms, he just relaxed and enjoyed it!
Some facts about you, Rydee Roo:

*You love to be swaddled tight in your upper body but you like for your feet to be out so you can stretch.
*You love your mommy and sometimes when you cry it's because you just want to snuggle.
*You love your boppy and sometimes you would rather sleep in it than in your bassinet.
*You love the taste of your gas drops and you lick your lips to get every drop.
*You laugh and giggle in your sleep and it is so cute!
*You like to hang out in just your diaper because you are very warm natured.
*You love your daddy and think he has the best swaddle!
*You make so many faces but the one you make most often resembles a little thinker with a crinkled brow. I can't wait to find out what you've been thinking up!
*When you wake up, you don't cry, you just start making grunting noises.
*When you get really hungry your cry turns into a snort...daddy calls you little pig.
*You like it when I rub your cheek and puts you right to sleep.
*You move your arms in a rhythmic manner and it looks like you are about to start rapping. Aunt Pammy calls you Snoop Rydee Ryde because of your apparent hip hop skills. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The dimple has been captured!

Woooot! I finally got a picture of the dimple on his right little chubby cheek!! Wooooohoooo!