Rydee Roo in the tub!
We gave Ryder his first bath at home on 3/30/08 and he did such a great job! He was a little fussy during parts but when daddy rinsed under his arms, he just relaxed and enjoyed it!
Some facts about you, Rydee Roo:
*You love to be swaddled tight in your upper body but you like for your feet to be out so you can stretch.
*You love your mommy and sometimes when you cry it's because you just want to snuggle.
*You love your boppy and sometimes you would rather sleep in it than in your bassinet.
*You love the taste of your gas drops and you lick your lips to get every drop.
*You laugh and giggle in your sleep and it is so cute!
*You like to hang out in just your diaper because you are very warm natured.
*You love your daddy and think he has the best swaddle!
*You make so many faces but the one you make most often resembles a little thinker with a crinkled brow. I can't wait to find out what you've been thinking up!
*When you wake up, you don't cry, you just start making grunting noises.
*When you get really hungry your cry turns into a snort...daddy calls you little pig.
*You like it when I rub your cheek and head...it puts you right to sleep.
*You move your arms in a rhythmic manner and it looks like you are about to start rapping. Aunt Pammy calls you Snoop Rydee Ryde because of your apparent hip hop skills. :)