3 weeks old and a *little* high maintenance...but ADORABLE!!
You are quite a handful at 3 weeks old! You prefer your boppy or your swing to your bassinet, which makes nighttime interesting. You eat around 11pm and then again at 3am and then at 6am you're ready to rock and roll!
You love to be swaddled by your daddy...it relaxes you immediately.
You take 3 oz at a time...anymore than that and it's vomit city.
You like laying on your play mat and making little grunting noises.
You LOVE to be held and a lot of the time you whine until we pick you up.
You LOVE your big brother. When we let him hold you, you close your eyes like you are so comfy!
You are not a fan of your carseat, but once we start moving you usually fall asleep.
You like your paci, but sometimes you have a hard time keeping it in your mouth!
You don't seem to mind all the pretty bows I like to put on you!

We love you little girl!